I’ve often said that the best way to find a job, is to “know someone who knows of an opening”.
And for that, you’ll need a network.
When you’re out of work, and after you’ve polished your resume, reach out to the people you know and let them know you’re looking. Yes, it may be awkward but it’s worth the temporary uneasiness. The more people that know you’re looking for work, the more people who can help you find your next position.
The world seems hard right now. Political rudeness abounds and social media is fraught with peril some days. But believe it or not, people do want to help others. And they’ll help you if you’re on their mind. When they overhear of an open spot it’s likely they will remember you and alert you to the opportunity.
I find LinkedIN is an excellent place to do this. It’s the most professional of all of the web-based social sites and it makes it super simple to find people to connect with. A bonus is the ease of actually looking for a job and being alerted to who you know at the company. What could be better than being told who you may reach out to to find out the real scoop on the open spot.
So get out there and let others know of your search.
Good luck.
Photo by HIVAN ARVIZU @soyhivan on Unsplash